Hi guys, first of all, we are sorry if you couldn’t find us. We had a rebrand, which included changing our site, layout, content, and URL. We had to do this rebrand to keep offering you our service, and along with it, we will be launching new stuff we are sure you will love!
So, to answer your first and most important question: Is Swipebuster down? NO!
What happened to Swipebuster? Does it still work? Where’s the login?
The answers to all those questions are the same: Swipebuster (or Swipe Buster as some people call us) is now a new and improved Cheaterbuster!
If you have any questions, our new email is [email protected], but in the meantime, I will answer a few that have come up.
What’s in a Name? Swipe Buster or Cheaterbuster?
I wrote this post to inform our users about the importance of a name, especially for an online product (app, website, etc.).
When we launched the site, we decided to call ourselves Swipebuster and use a descriptive name for what our site does. This would make it easy for people to understand the product. For some reason, many media who covered us called it “Swipe Buster” instead.
That’s two words instead of one.
You could think of this as inconsequential, but it has become an enormous problem. It has created confusion for people who look for us online, to the point where some users can’t even find us.
The Problem
You may think something so simple should be easy to control. I mean, the media must ask you for information about the product, your name at the very least, before posting stories about you, correct? Wrong. Most media articles copy or paraphrase news from other sites. So, any mistake, whether factual or even grammar/spelling, gets propagated like a wildfire of ignorance throughout the internet.
For us, this case of “fake news” or error propagation affected our most crucial message, our brand. If you Google “Swipe Buster” now, you can almost find more articles with misspelled names than articles that spelled our previous name correctly.
Because of this, when we rebranded to Cheaterbuster, we realized very few people could find us. We strongly feel that our site, product Swipe Buster, Cheaterbuster, or whatever you want to call it, provides a positive service to our users. This is something most of our users feel as well. Now, everyone looking for Swipe Buster based on the myriad of articles written about us can’t find us.
This reminds me of the current “fake news” dilemma. I think media in general, especially online media, has devolved into a click contest, a place where every site wants to be the first to publish a story regardless of the facts.
There is no such thing as fact-checking anymore, or it’s uncommon.
I would bet a steak dinner that 50% or more of the authors didn’t even bother visiting Swipe Buster (as they call it). Or they would’ve immediately seen that the actual name was Swipebuster—right there in the logo—or even tested the site, for that matter.

The same goes for political news, I think, and hence the fake news dilemma: media businesses are so big they will say whatever they need to speak or write whatever they need to write to get the eyeball, the click, the ad impression, the subscription… but I digress! Haha
The point I wanted to make is to choose your name wisely to avoid any potential confusion. Try to convey your message about what your product does, how, when, etc.… or the media will fill in the blanks. They will use any information they can copy and paste from other sites, including their spelling mistakes.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is the service precisely the same?
When you log in to your account, you will notice the service remains untouched.
Can I still access my Swipebuster account?
Yes, log in using your credentials. If you have any issues, please click on My Account, Forgot Password? or email us with any further questions.
Why did you change your name?
We think Cheaterbuster is a much better name than Swipebuster (Swipe Buster) because it best reflects what we want you to achieve and aligns with our mission.
Will the Swipebuster address ever come back?
As you can see, the Swipebuster address is unreachable and will not be restored anytime soon.
We’re genuinely sorry for any confusion this might have caused. Cheaterbuster is here to stay.
What are the new features you guys are adding?
You can check out our blog, where we’ll announce upcoming features and helpful content to help you get the most out of Cheaterbuster.
Does Cheaterbuster work on mobile?
Cheaterbuster is the same as Swipebuster (Swipebuster) in terms of responsiveness and some interface changes that we think you will find instrumental.
How can I pay?
You can pay using your credit card or PayPal account. We accept all Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX cards!
Are there any free alternatives to Swipebuster or Cheaterbuster?
Some Cheaterbuster alternatives are either expensive or free (but unreliable). They lack the technology we’ve spent years acquiring.
Here are a few alternatives to Cheaterbuster:
Let us know how it went. We’d also love to see your reaction when you try Cheaterbuster! 😉
Wrapping Up
So, if you’re wondering if Swipebuster is down or what happened, now you know.
Swipebuster still works; it’s just called Cheaterbuster now!