Jealousy is strong/damaging and is often provoked in Facebook. Trust is essential to develop a satisfactory, intimate, and solid loving relationship. And mistrust makes you vulnerable. You can be yourself If you are certain you will not be hurt or betrayed. A factor that leads to a happy relationship; and helps to resolve eventual conflicts; is to be certain of your mate.
The best way to build trust in a relationship, is to have open communication. Being open will pave the way to a bipartisan solution; avoiding the alternatives which may include having to hide things from the other.

A study published by the “American Psychological Association” (1), on the subjects of “Trust, viability in relationship evaluations and relationship processes” found that people who trusted their partner less; had greater variability in their perception of the quality of their relationship. They had more doubts, and more often self-reported distress and negative behavior. Not an ideal happy place to be. Trust is a pilar for a happier life in the relationship.
You do not trust your partner for whatever reason; begins the period of negative feelings that will wear the relationship thin. Less intimacy, anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity will turn the “jealousy switch” on. Jealousy in “love relationships” unleashes a flood of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, that inevitably lead to mistrust. These can develop as rational concerns; and grow in intensity to reach unreasonable suspicions of infidelity, anguish or anger that has no real basis to be. Jealousy is strong/damaging and provoked in Facebook

According to a study on “Romantic Attachment and Subtypes/Dimensions of Jealousy”; published in July 2010 by NCBI (2); romantic jealousy is a complex phenomenon defined as “a perception of a threat of loss of a valued relationship to a real or imagined rival” (2). And one may have thought that jealousy was just a simple emotion based on insecurity. It is not that simple by a long shot. Jealousy sparks unreasonable behaviors; including stalking your partner by trying to invade their social media, and much worse that has been reported. Things get much worse; and some individuals make plans and take actions to induce jealousy in their partners. Why would anyone want to have a jealous mate?
It does happen. And in today´s digital social media-based society, this is becoming more prevalent.
How can the use of social media become a medium to induce jealousy into a relationship? It happens and often. Jealousy can result by having your ex, as a friend in the media. And from excess time spent “chatting” with “someone”; or by keeping photos of “other” people.

Let’s look at some thoughts on the relationship between infidelity and Facebook.
According to an article published in “Time Magazine” (3) in March of 2018, by James Sexton, a prominent divorce lawyer; “Facebook is a Cheating Machine”. According to Mr. Sexton “Facebook is the single greatest breeding ground ever for infidelity”. He supports his conclusion from the fact that he gets two or three cases per week that were based on infidelity resulting or perpetuated from activity in Facebook. Remember that jealousy is strong/damaging and provoked in Facebook.
A news article published in “India Today” (4) states that a “survey revealed that 47% of its respondents feel they are guilty of emotional cheating on Facebook”. Other stats, form the survey of 5000 users make a better case:
- 17% felt jealousy of the activity of their mates on Facebook.
- 26% felt rejected.
- 46% admitted to monitoring their mate´s activity on this social media.
- 47% felt guilty that at some tome they were emotionally cheating on their partner.
So did you know that Facebook is the third most important cause of divorce in the UK?
According to Samantha Yule´s article published by “The Mirror” (5) in Jan. 2015. Many people use this medium to rekindle old flames; and to start new adventures. Such is the impact of Facebook, that activity is now taken and used as evidence in court for divorce cases.

Brandon Gaille (6), a Small Business and Marketing Advice Portal published alarming statistics on emotional infidelities that occur in Facebook. Some include that 57% of men and 54% of women have incurred in this practice. 35% of respondents mentioned having had a “fling” outside of their formal relationship, with someone from work, using this platform. And Last but not least is that 81% of divorce layers had at least one case based on Facebook activity.
Sadly, if you feel jealousy of your loved one and decide to investigate, now you know where to start.
The road to unveil their activity is having awareness of their use of cell phones, computers, and social media. In the digital world, technology simplifies communication. But while technology does facilitate infidelity, it also avails us with the means to discovery. In the end, jealousy is strong/damaging and provoked in Facebook.