Dating applications have been successful because they facilitate the task of social interaction, and they make cheating easier. They reduce the time between a yes or no, and they also allow you to know somewhat about the other person before the first encounter. Among the more popular applications for this endeavor is “Tinder”, which by the way makes cheating easier.

Tinder was born in 2012 with the purpose of getting to a relationship (of any kind), with people close to you. Last year they had an estimated 75 million users around the world as it is available in 90 countries and 40 languages. According to “” the application has been downloaded since its creation more than 400 million times”. According to them, the percentages of “usage by gender in the United States is “25% women, and 75% men”;” while in the UK, it is 9% women and 91% men”.
Samantha is a woman who was unable to get dates in her area. It was not until she went to Europe for studies, that she tried the application. Now without the pressure of her friends, and without the fear of failure, she started getting dates. Some of the dates were amicable, but for the most part she found out that most dates were of a casual nature and that most men only wanted sex, and for one night. This continued for a while until she found the man who seemed to be the one. To make a long story short, she fell in love and closed her profile.
Perhaps you that are now reading these words, have already had an account with “Tinder”; and just as Samantha, you found your true mate, and closed your profile. We wonder if everyone closes their profiles once getting the relationship that was longed for?
Can we assume that it happens?. But how to be sure they did not create another profile, with another name, with photos that are not clear or do not show the face clearly, and that they use the application whenever on business travel? Some people believe that because “Tinder” requires you to link your “Facebook” with them, that makes the use foolproof. But let’s not forget that many people also have multiple “Facebook” accounts/profiles, and again makes cheating easier.

According to research conducted by “Global Index” or “GWI”; 41% of the users are between 25 and 34 years old; 11% are already in a relationship and another 34% are married. We can then assume that the 45% of attached individuals are looking only for new friendships, right? Well, not necessarily. Research reported by the” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health” in October 2020 indicates” that while results are varied on off-line behavior, 51% of Tinder users have had sexual relationships with someone they were matched in the application. Also, that between 30% and 70% have had a date with a total average of dates of 4.25 per user.
In 2019 the magazine “Cosmopolitan” published stories of 11 women who discovered their partners used dating apps.; which implies that the data published in different statistics are real.
“Tinder” is an application that helps inflate the egos with each match they make on the app.; put in other words, research by “Lendedu”, Tinder is an application used for mostly for getting confidence and for hook-ups, rather than for finding lasting relationships. This research indicates that 44% of those interviewed used the app., for confidence boosting; 22% looking for a hook-up, and only 4% to find a lasting relationship.
Dr. Susan Edelman explains to Elite Daily that while there are many psychological reasons why couples are unfaithful. Bill Clinton put forth the best explanation of why it happens. He said he did it “because he could”. It was easy then but how easy it is now, with all the dating apps., available to us. Even if you love your partner, today it is easy and almost anonymous, to be able to cheat. In the end however, very few couples come out of a situation like this, without grave consequences.

According to “Techjury”, 95% of the people who make a match on an application, meet between 2 and 7 days. 13% of the users, use it at about 3AM in the morning. Knowing these and other statistics can be of some help to keep an eye on things. So perhaps knowing more of the habits of cheaters can be of service to ither curb the situation, or to end it before more damage results.
We wish you luck and hope your relationship is strong enough to avoid the temptations that the dating applications today provide so easily.
In the end, Tinder and other apps. make it so cheating is easier.